There are multiple factors that a person may consider when weighing the decision to begin their recovery journey. The barriers that people face often vary based on the individual, and can be a blend of internal and external factors. Regardless of the origin, there are ways to overcome the barriers to recovery and receive the quality treatment that you need.
Many of the individuals struggling with substance misuse may try to overcome it on their own, or without reaching out for help. Whilst you can achieve success this way, you are far more likely to succeed if you seek out support. According to our team at Pacifica Treatment Centre, the most common barriers to receiving support are denial, stigma, access, and cost. This article discusses these common barriers and identifies ways to overcome them.’
Barriers to Substance Recovery
Unwillingness or in Denial
A significant part of substance recovery is personal motivation, willing participation, and acceptance. Treatment can’t begin until the person acknowledges they have a problem, is ready to stop using substances, and is at least somewhat aligned with the idea of recovery. For some, they may not be aware of the severity of their substance use or deny that it is serious.
If you have a loved one that you think is in denial, the best way to overcome this barrier is with a gentle, compassionate approach. Discussing the topic in a highly respectful, non-judgemental way is more likely to elicit a constructive and positive outcome. No one likes having their actions and behaviours scrutinized, so it’s vital to express your thoughts through the lens of being supportive.
Guilt, Shame, or Fear of Being Stigmatized
While the stigma surrounding substance use has improved in recent years, there is still a long way to go for the general public to recognize that addiction is a disease and not a personal failing. Unfortunately, this is a prominent barrier to treatment. Community members will avoid treatment for fear of how they will be perceived by friends, family, and even co-workers.
With regards to workplace stigma, there are laws and regulations in place to protect your privacy and grant you the time needed to attend recovery programs. As for family and friends, most people would be surprised by how supportive those closest to them really are. Having open and honest communication can remove much of the stigma and judgment. Any remaining questions can be answered with the plethora of online information and resources that are available.
The specialists at Pacifica Treatment Centre can help you build the confidence you need to speak openly about your recovery journey. Together we can create a plan that prepares you on how to communicate with your friends, family and employers.

Lack of Access To Rehab Centres
Maybe your town or city doesn’t have rehab centres, or recovery centres you’ve wanted to enroll in is a fair distance from where you live. Maybe it’s not very far of a drive, but you don’t have access to a personal vehicle or public transportation. The more headaches that are involved just getting to the rehab centre, will compound themselves into a larger, less negotiable barrier to treatment.
The solution to this is in-residence recovery programming. This means living at the rehab centre, typically for a period of between 30- 90 days.
In Canada, recent studies have shown that long waitlists and delays for treatment, as well as a lack of subsidized programs, were among the leading barriers to treatment. Pacifica is helping to break down these barriers by offering pre-engagement programs, which provide services to those who are waiting to be admitted into a rehab centre. Pacifica also offers publicly funded programs to help community members overcome financial barriers.
Financial Barriers To Recovery
One of the leading barriers to treatment for substance use disorders is the concern about the cost of rehabilitation. Many people believe that they simply can’t afford quality treatment.
Efforts are being made to ease this barrier to recovery by offering publicly funded programs. This payment option provides assistance from the Government or ministry, enabling community members to qualify for partially or fully funded program admittance. Pacifica Treatment Centre provides publicly funded treatment for individuals dealing with problematic substance use. Pacifica also offers affordable private treatment in its rehab centres. For more information, call us today.
Rehab Programs Available in Vancouver, British Columbia
If you or a loved one are in the process of seeking out recovery or rehabilitation, reach out to the team at Pacifica Treatment Centre. We can help address and provide solutions to the real or perceived barriers to treatment, and get you the help you need!
Pacifica provides in-residence treatment and community-based services for individuals experiencing problematic substance use, in conjunction with concurrent mental health concerns and trauma.
Click Here To Learn More About The Programs Offered At Pacifica Pacifica
To learn more about our programs or to take the first step toward recovery, call 1-866-446-0668 (24hrs) or schedule an appointment online today!